New Reviews

Kealan Patrick Burke, Blanky review


Reviewed by Paula Limbaugh

“You say you can’t imagine what it must be like to lose a child.   Let me make it easy for you.  It’s the beginning of the end of your world.”                                                                                                                                                         

What a horrible horrible story!! Kealan Patrick Burke’s Blanky is not one to read if you are afraid to have your heartstrings tugged, twisted and then torn. He will have you crying, dredging up suppressed memories of loss and regrets. He will tear your heart in two and then give you hope only to rip that away also.  It’s been a long time since I’ve read a story that left me so emotionally drained. I LOVED it!

The loss of a child can rip a family apart and that is exactly what happens to Stephen and Lexi. Stephen shares with us his profound grief over his baby daughter, Robin’s death. His wife can no longer tolerate living in their home where reminders of Robin abound, and so they find themselves living separately, alone in their sorrow.

When one day Robin’s baby blanket appears in the empty room that was once hers, Stephen is both flabbergasted and excited. He calls Lexi and tells her of his find and she immediately comes over to reclaim that little piece of Robin. That secondhand blanket, “blanky” was a find Lexi had picked up at an open market as a gift to her child before she was even born.

Ah, with blanky once again in her hands, Lexi begins to allow herself to feel again. Reminiscing with Stephen, they find themselves able to perhaps think of a future together once more.

But… yes, there is always a but, sometimes things aren’t meant to be and joy can turn to horror in a blink of an eye. Oh, what an emotional rollercoaster ride this is.

I don’t know how Kealan was able to write such story without leaving himself spent, perhaps, he did. All I know is this is a beautifully written story that just flowed with ease across the pages. I couldn’t put it down. Truly, one of his best! Do pick this one up… HERE!

5/5  blanky

4 Comments on Kealan Patrick Burke, Blanky review

  1. I can imagine the loss of a child.. actually two. But I still think the horror involved here could prove to be interesting.


  2. Vitina, I was a bit hesitant on leaving this review here as I know what you have suffered through. But, I was so gripped by Kealan’s story that I thought it should be shared. I’ve been a fan of his for quite some time now and I have to say this story is his best for me.Thank you for reading my review and taking the time to comment. Love and Hugs

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am glad you stayed true to your desire to cover Patrick’s book.Matt would have admired this review and I know the world still moves on. Pain or no pain. I will still give this a go one day.You write great reviews. Thankyou.


  3. Aww, thank you, Vitina!


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