New Reviews

Greetings from the Moon Hill Kickstarter Campaign

Anthony J. Rapino and Precipice Books are bringing you a whole world that is mapped out in an intimately horrific landscape.  Together, the two are offering a unique package of horror fiction from the mind of Mr. Anthony J. Rapino in a limited hardcover edition of “Greetings from Moon Hill” that will be signed and numbered.

Greetings from Moon Hill is a collection of horror fiction utilizing Rapino’s own Moon Hill mythos.  Taken straight from their Kickstarter campaign page:

“Somewhere in Northeastern Pennsylvania, nestled between the forests and foothills of the Poconos, you’ll find the forgotten town of Moon Hill. It’s a surreal place of arcane magic and natural wonder, where a hint of autumn lingers in the air, the leaves are always turning, and the shadows grow long no matter the time of day.

You might say Moon Hill is special, a pocket of Americana frozen in time, filled with eccentric characters and deathly secrets that transcend dimensions. And like most small towns, it also has a dark side.

We’d like to show it to you.”

moon hill map

vial of stones


The Kickstarter campaign includes some great add-ons including a print map of Moon Hill, sculptures (created by the author himself), and a vial of Moon Hill stones (They glow in the dark!).

When the stretch goals are met, you find they’ll also be adding everything from T-shirts and “bloody” variants of the Moon Hill sculptures to an extra story and magnets.

To check out more details and make up your mind on whether it would be something you’d be interested in backing, click here.

Best wishes on your project, guys!

About Chad Lutzke (12 Articles)
Chad lives in Battle Creek, MI. with his wife, children. For over two decades, he has been a contributor to several different outlets in the independent music and film scene, offering articles, reviews, and artwork. He has written for Famous Monsters of Filmland, Rue Morgue, Cemetery Dance, and Scream magazine. His fiction can be found in a few dozen magazines and anthologies including his own 18-story collection NIGHT AS A CATALYST. Lutzke is known for his heartfelt dark fiction and deep character portrayals. In the summer of 2016 he released his dark coming-of-age novella OF FOSTER HOMES AND FLIES which has been praised by authors Jack Ketchum, James Newman, John Boden, and many others. Later in 2016 Lutzke released his contribution to bestselling author J. Thorn's AMERICAN DEMON HUNTERS series, and 2017 saw the release of his novella WALLFLOWER. His latest, STIRRING THE SHEETS, was published by Bloodshot Books in spring 2018.

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