New Reviews

Frazer Lee ‘The Jack in the Green’ Review


Written by: Vitina Molgaard

“Come now, don’t be so squeamish, Tom. Life, death, rebirth. We’re all one and the same out here in nature, you know. We’re like the roots of the trees, joined together, life and death cycles, with one feeding the other through all eternity…”   Holly from The Jack in the Green

Frazer Lee’s soon to be released story The Jack in the Green recently hit the mailbox for review consideration. Having never experienced his work, I welcomed an adventure into Lee’s latest novel and found an intriguing tale filled with genuine horror and a plot that explores some very dark territory. So come along and join me, because this one gets a bit intense.

Meet Tom McCrae, a man in his mid-thirties who at six year’s old witnessed an unspeakable crime, one that left him an orphan and brought on terrifying nightmares that continue to plague his life. Our man is working at a profitable, but ethically questionable job. This company sends him off to a village located in a remote area of Scotland, named Douglass. Tom is placed there to complete a land grab, something which does not bother him even though he knows how it will affect the community. He is there in the hopes that this will open enough doors and create enough new opportunities to change his miserable life. Changes definitely come his way.

A slew of unique characters affect his day to day life as he invests his time in attempt to climb the career ladder. He will meet up with Holly, a woman that captures the essence of his soul, while introducing him to ancient pagan rituals. A number of property owners also play pivotal roles, as they become key factors in his job and hopeful professional ascension. Unfortunately Tom’s continued nightmares have begun to mix into his waking hours and he finds himself discovering dark truths behind the villagers’ belief’s and their connection to the one known as Jack in the Green.

This book is definitely a horror story with more than enough gore to please the reader but not overwhelm them. Lee starts this story off with at a slow trot but eventually builds into quite a fever pitch of violence and activity. Being a fan of the subtler, psychological horror stories did not interfere with my feelings about the eventual outpouring of violent behavior here. I found myself completely wrapped up in this one, eager to reach conclusion and receive a few answers to my mounting questions. With a fine razor edge twist, Lee carries this story into a fully fleshed out novel.

Satisfaction is found within this read. So when all is said and done I am highly recommending this one. Be ready for what you really aren’t ready for. Whatever you do, do not read the ending first. Open this and enjoy.

Preorder The Jack in the Green here.

Rating: 4/5

About The Overseer (1669 Articles)
Author of Say No to Drugs, writer for Blumhouse, Dread Central, Horror Novel Reviews and Addicted to Horror Movies.

7 Comments on Frazer Lee ‘The Jack in the Green’ Review

  1. I really enjoy books that take place internationally — the settings are so much fun to experience. This book sounds like a great adventure. Thanks for the review. 🙂


  2. Lexacain , I hope that you read this and enjoy it to the full extent …I sure did….and wow the end had me up until 2:00 AM so that I could get there. I read over half the book in that one sitting…which I think says a lot…just me…the old hippie…Vitina


  3. Thanks for the thoughtful review and kind words guys!

    Beast witches,


  4. You are welcome Frazer….It was truly my pleasure…and you made a great decision on that cover …I would love it as a poster…but the book really took me there…just me…Vitina Molgaard


  5. I might have to give Lee another shot. i really disliked one of his past novels (Matt knows which one)…. I do love that cover though, and you guys are making it sound pretty good.


  6. Glenn, I recall that you did not care for one of his past novels. While I do not remember what the issue with that one was I do know that this one caught a hold of me and I sat up quite late because I wanted to find out how and where he was going to take this. You may very well find that this one works for you. I want to make one point though and it is about my own rating of what I read…I am not one to give out higher numbers just because someone took the time to write it. Take from that what you will…just me…vitina….the old hippie


  7. As long as i can pull/root for SOMEONE in the novel rather than not care about any of them! I Suppose we all deserve a second chance. I’ll add it it to my list of books to pick up.


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