New Reviews


The drop tabs should guide you through all your submission needs. Whether you’re out to have your novel reviewed, or you’re looking to see your story published on the site, we’ve got you covered!

7 Comments on Submissions

  1. Steve. aka Fatman Butter // April 15, 2014 at 11:30 pm // Reply

    Hey Matt,
    After you saying you don’t charge for a review, how come after I send you a free copy of my book you send an email asking for money?


    • I haven’t sent anyone any emails asking for money. I’m not even sure what you submitted. I’m getting between 5-10 ebook submissions DAILY, so it’s hard to even keep up with (I’m struggling, I admit!!). But I’ve never asked anyone to pay a single cent for a review. If you sent me a submission, and got a response requesting money, please re-forward that email back to me ( It’s possible my account has been hacked.


  2. Hello, I narrate books and horror fiction is a niche I would like to promote. I don’t know if you do audio books, but I do think this genre is ripe for this type of interpretation. I would like to submit to you some audio books that I have done, especially the last few which were collections of short stories. Please contact me if you are interested. I think there is a future here in this media. To ignore it or deny it would be a mistake.



    • something I might be interested in Gene. Just had a baby boy yesterday, so I’ve got my hands full for a few days, but we’ll definitely touch down on this some more shortly!


  3. Matt, this website is great, nice job. I wanted to suggest something to you, I think the people visiting here would love to see you review the modern day cult classic “Masturbating Zombie Clowns… In Youngstown”.


  4. Ps, if you’d like me to mail you out a copy in paperback, just email me an address.


  5. How do I request a review? I’m not seeing any drop tabs.


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