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Paula’s Top 10 Favorite Zombie Books!


Written: by Paula Limbaugh

With AMC’s The Walking Dead having recently returned to the airwaves we thought perhaps you may want a rundown on some of the best zombie books out there.  So without further ado here are MY picks for the best of zombie reading!  Oh, before anyone gets their panties in a bunch these books are randomly listed.  I’m not saying one is better than the other, I just saying I LIKE THEM!

Ground Zero by Nicholas Ryan

Ever since AMC’s The Walking Dead, the horror genre has been flooded with zombie stories.  Egads!!  I started to read thinking “Here we go again” and ended up thinking “Whoa, what a find!”  This novel is intelligently written, flows seamlessly, and really kept my interest.

The Colony: Genesis byMichaelbrent Collings.

These zombies are not the slow shuffling mindless creatures that we are used to seeing.  These zombies are fast, cunning and oh so dangerous.   Ken has only one goal in mind, find his wife and children.


Deadman by John Meeks

One day Leslie takes ill.  He continues to get worse until he wakes one morning and realizes he’s DEAD!  Wait, how can that be?  He’s a zombie but he’s not mindless, he’s hungry but the thought of eating a human sickens him.  What’s a guy to do?

The Way of All Flesh by Tim Waggoner

Two perceptions, what’s real, what’s not.  As you read through the story you are caught up in two different viewpoints.  Kate and the group she is with see the world taken over by the Blacktide and zombies have been left in its wake.  David on the other hand sees himself and the others like him as humans needing to avoid the so-called demons.

Zombie Armageddon Book 1: The Unwashed Dead by Ian Woodhead

Okay we all know who Ian is, the foremost authority of zombie thrillers!  The book starts out wickedly enough, boy meets girl, boy goes outside to take a piss, boy gets bit! And it’s not just any random zombie; oh no it’s his best mate’s mum!  It only gets better from here.


Zombie Tales: Primrose Court Apt.205 by Robert Decoteau

This is the start of series of quick and thoroughly entertaining reads all involving an apartment complex, zombies and the tenants within.

Ravage: An Apocalyptic Horror Novel by Iain Rob Wright

It starts off with a cough.  From that single cough the germ has taken hold and as each person succumbs to the illness an awful realization occurs, this is not the common cold!

Valley of Death by William Bebb

Every one in a while you need a slap in the face! Metaphorically speaking that is. That’s just what I got when reading VALLEY OF DEATH, ZOMBIETRAILER PARK.


Zombie Kong-Anthology Edited by James Roy Daley

An Anthology about not just any old zombies, this is Zombie Kong!  You’ll find the likes of William Meikle, Simon McCaffery, Tonia Brown and a host of others all giving us their take on this themed collection.

World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks

Do I really need to say anything?  If you saw the movie, great it was good.  Now read the book and see how the story was really laid out, you will be surprised.

Okay so there you have it, my picks for great zombie fiction.  I know there are thousands more out there but these are books that I found had that little something that made them stand out from the rest.  Hope you agree with at least a few of them.

About The Overseer (1669 Articles)
Author of Say No to Drugs, writer for Blumhouse, Dread Central, Horror Novel Reviews and Addicted to Horror Movies.

6 Comments on Paula’s Top 10 Favorite Zombie Books!

  1. Great list. I will have to check some of these out. I hace heard god things about Ground Zero. I would suggest to you to check out Brian Keene’s THE RISING and CITY OF THE DEAD. The Rising is one of my favorite zombie books of all.


  2. I’ve never read any of those…but I dislike zombies.
    The only two zombie books that I’ve read and actually liked or loved:
    Brian Keene- The Rising and Nikki Hopeman- Habeas Corpse.
    Both are fantastic. I wish I liked zombies, but I just can’t get into them.


  3. I have read so many zombie books that they start to blend together. I start putting characters from other zombie novels in the one I currently reading…and they seem to work out in any book. This is not to say they are bad. Its just that they seem to have the same plot and ideas. the 2 recent zombie novels that I have read have changed that a little. One I’m reading now, so I will wait to finish it before I give a rave review, but its coming along nicely. the other was a fluke I picked up because it was cheap (I was low on funds) from Amazon. Its called “Chimera Seed” by an unknown Indy author named Joshua Hooker. I wasn’t expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised. It needs some editing, but the story was great. the characters were refreshing, the plot was interesting, and the humor was right up my alley.


  4. Stacie Morton // December 5, 2015 at 2:24 am // Reply

    Thanks so much Paula! Did you know that Nicholas Ryan now has 3 more zombie thrillers out? If you liked Ground Zero, you will LOVE these!

    Die Trying Amazon US
    Dead Rage Amazon US
    Zombie War Amazon US


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